As a data-to-decision platform, d3VIEW supports a wide-variety of data. Let us see how Simlytiks, d3VIEW’s data visualization application, helps in visualizing non-scientific data.
Leading the way in this enhancement is Simlytiks’ Bubble Chart visualization, which effortlessly harmonizes with simple data, as well as scientific data, to create smooth comprehension. Bubble Chart supports more than just data in the x and y, with options like color-coding nodes or varying opacity based on particular column data.

Let’s go through a step-by-step image guide on how to create this bubble chart with simple data. We’ll also review some more options available in the visualization. To start, import the data into Simlytiks®, create a new page and choose Scatter Plot under the visualization menu.

1. Choose X and Y data.

2. Choose color by data.

3. Choose other appearance data specifications.

4. Choose image by data.

5.1. Add media to dataset.

5.2. Our added media will now show up as our Y value labels.

6. Finally, we can choose to quickly edit main components of our visualization using the menu at the top right.

More Possibilities…
Simlytiks® doesn’t just visualize automotive data well. It can work with data from any industry. The following are two more examples of simple data visualized as a bubble chart.

If you’re interested in seeing non-scientific data visualized in different ways than above, please request a demo by contacting us.